Many of you have asked for our advice in choosing a protein powder supplement. We usually recommend Garden of Life's Raw Protein, because of its great protein composition and high nutritional count. However, in our research,
a very recent study has revealed that there may be a high level of heavy metals in their supplement. While this is very common in many powders,(here's an article from
Consumer Reports) we were concerned about this one because we often recommend it and we also consume it ourselves. Because of the recent controversy (GOL is still asserting it's safety),
we would like to recommend a few others for you to try, just to be on the safe side. If you are trying to bulk, we may recommend the Whey Protein, rather than the vegan options, however vegan protein will also help increase/maintain muscle. You can always skip the powders and choose to get your added protein from whole foods like lean meats, eggs, seeds and nuts. A rule of thumb for determining protein consumption is between 1.0 and 1.7 times (the higher number for more bulk) your body weight in kg.