Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sugar, sugar everywhere

You can see how easy it is to become addicted to sugar.
Sugar. It's addictive. It promotes illness and immune suppression. It's in everything.
From pasta sauce to granola bars to frozen meals - it's literally added to almost everything.

Sugar promotes:

Wondering if you're addicted? Avoid it for a week. Don't eat anything with added sugar. It'll hurt for a few days, but then you'll feel so much better once you're past the withdrawal. You'll experience a clearer mind, more stable blood sugar levels and  more stable moods. Sounds like someone coming off of a drug, right? Right. 

I must admit, I've always had a sweet tooth. Since I've been really working hard to avoid refined sugars, when I do indulge in something "worth" indulging in, 
a. I usually wish I hadn't because I feel the effects of it quickly (high, then sugar crash). Then I start craving it
c. It tastes SO sweet and is like a crazy party for my taste buds. If you've been reading my blog, I've mentioned that the more you eat whole, clean foods, the more your taste buds and tastes for foods changes. You'll actually want to eat vegetables and fruits. Refined sugar will taste different, if you've been off of it for awhile. 

Here are a few of the other names for sugar. Avoid these if you want to try the "Sugarless for a Week" challenge.
  1. High Fructose Corn Syrup
  2. Rice Syrup
  3. Barley Malt
  4. Beet Sugar
  5. Cane Syrup
  6. Maltodextrin
  7. Sorghum or Sorghum Syrup
  8. Dehydrated Cane Juice
Try to go sugarless for a week and if that feels too extreme, try to only eat things with 8 grams of sugar or less for a week- let me know how it goes! 

Happy health and thanks for reading