Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wheatgrass - Get Your Daily Dose

Everyone knows that wheatgrass is good for you, right? But who really knows why. I didn't know just how good it was until recently. I picked some up at the Decatur's Farmers Market, and chewed on it. Wierd, I know. But it was actually very sweet. And more cost effective than buying it already juiced. I didn't continue sprouting it, but think I'll give it another try soon. Anyway, there are easier ways to get in your daily dose of wheatgrass. Here's 3 reasons why you should drink/eat this superfood. 
1. It's been clinically proven to heal ulcerative colitis and aid in cancer recovery (and cancer prevention). Check out this article from Natural News for more information. 

2. Wheatgrass contains no less than thirteen vitamins and all 20 essential amino acids. It also contains a very high amount of chlorophyll which has some proven health and anti-cancer properties. 1 fl. oz. is equivalent to eating 2.5 lbs of veggies. It's loaded with good, live enzymes too. 

3. It has a powerful detoxifying effect. Chlorophyll, in particular has a detoxifying effect. Everyone has toxins. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, even newborn babies have 287 toxins in their umbilical cord blood, 217 of which are neurotoxic (poisonous to nerves or nerve cells).  Frightening, I know. 

Here are a just a few indicators, from Dr. Hyman, that you may need to detox:
  • I have hard, difficult to pass movements every day or every other day
  • I am constipated and only go every other day or less often
  • I urinate small amounts of dark, strong smelling urine only a few times a day
  • I almost never break a real sweat
  • I have one or more of the following symptoms: fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, concentration and memory problems
  • I have a negative reaction when I consume foods containing MSG, sulfites (wine, salad bars, dried fruit), sodium benzoate (preservative), red wine, cheese, bananas or chocolate, even a small amount of alcohol, eating food with garlic and onions
  • When I drink coffee or caffeine containing substances I feel wired up, an increase in joint and muscle aching or have hypoglycemic symptoms (anxiety, palpitations, sweating, dizziness)
  • I regularly consume any of the following substances or medications: acetaminophen (Tylenol), acid blocking drugs (Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, Prilosec, Prevacid), hormone modulating medications in pills, patches or creams (the pill, estrogen, progesterone, prostate medication), ibuprofen or naproxen, medications for Colitis or Crohn’s disease, recurrent headaches, allergy symptoms, nausea, diarrhea or indigestion
If you have a juicer, growing your own wheatgrass may be a good option. If not, you can buy it in  several different supplement forms and either mix it with water, or blend it into your smoothie. 

If you need a really great smoothie recipe, here's a reminder of my favorite green smoothie. Add a scoop of powdered wheatgrass to it, too. Organic Powdered Wheat Grass

1 banana
3/4 can of peaches (or more, or less) - can use fresh when they come in season again
3 tbsp. Hemp  seeds
1/2-1c. coconut milk
big handful of spinach or baby spring mix - 
water as needed

Happy health!


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