Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Iphone and Eating - A Lesson in Mindfulness

Two nights ago when my hubby was working late and I had just put my baby to bed, I came downstairs and fixed a plate for dinner. I then started eating, got my Iphone, turned on some music, checked my email, went on Facebook, and was checking a text message... and then my phone died.  My kitchen was silent. My heart skipped a beat for a minute when I thought of all the great information I was about to miss on Twitter; and then I realized that I was WAY too plugged in. I had spent an hour cooking (granted, half of that was watching it simmer) my favorite veggie soup, only to not taste it as I shoveled it in reading status updates like, "I just went to target!" It was a reality check for me. Chill out and focus on my food. I opened a window and tried to mindfully eat and focus on the present moment. It’s  difficult to do, but it reaps major rewards when you get the knack of it.

When we eat mindLESSly, we tend to overeat, emotionally eat, and gain weight. 
We are so electronically plugged in our society - multi-tasking is a no brainer for most – especially parents. 

What is mindfulness?