Thursday, March 22, 2012

Got Milk? No? Good.

Milk: Doesn't really do a body too much good. 

The subject of dairy is sometimes a controversial one.

Good or bad, here's one truth:
Cow's milk was meant to fatten up a 400 lb. calf to a 1500 lb. cow. The proteins are designed to do just that. So... how are we supposed to be thin if we drink a calf's beverage?

The media and our society, and the American Dairy Association has lead us to believe that milk is the perfect beverage, for perfect families. Recently, Salma Hayek is in the dairy commercials reminiscing about her sweet mother calling her as a child to "Drink your milk, Salma". And now she is now doing the same for her child. Nice marketing, milk.

No other species besides humans drink milk beyond toddler years and no other species drinks the milk OF ANOTHER SPECIES. 

Just a few other tidbits about milk. 

  • Cows are artificially knocked up over and over. Why? Because they only produce milk for about 300 days (you know, to feed their calf). If they do not have babies, they are not lactating. When any animal is pregnant, they produce excess hormones... Estrogen. Guess what hormones we are getting an extra dosage of? That's right...estrogen. There are studies that prove that some cancerous tumors are hormone sensitive. Even ORGANIC milk is taken by pregnant cows. 
  • Bovine Growth Hormones and antibiotics. These are found in non organic milks. Cows get sick, they get antibiotics. They need to get bigger, faster, they get hormones. Guess what other delicacies we are ingesting with that big bowl of icecream? 
  • Metabolic Acidosis: This is when the body becomes too acidic. Animal products causes this. Therefore, our body (smart as it is) tries to fix it. However, to do so, it must take minerals (calcium) from the bones. Ever wonder why we drink so much milk in the US, and we have some of the highest levels of Osteoporosis? 
  • Casein (a milk protein) is addictive and carcinogenic. In The China Study, Dr. Campbell details the connection between nutrition and disease. 
  • Most people are lactose intolerant. 

The media, the lobbyists, the animal corporations have been tricking us. Maybe not intentionally, or cruely, maybe so, but it's helpful to know the other side of things and consider what we are putting into our bodies. 

Unless you live on a dairy farm, and enjoy raw milk, free of hormones and antibiotics, you may want to consider cutting back.

I'm a big believer in enjoying everything in moderation. Gradually lean into dietary change. Usually, completely cutting something out of your diet will lead to bingeing and abandoning of the original endeavor. Sometimes you may really want a good piece of cheese. So.... 
If you decide to eat dairy, try to enjoy dairy in smart ways.
  • Find a local farmer and ask about how he/she treats the animals. Local farmers markets are a good way to find farmers.
  • Eat dairy as a special treat - maybe even once or twice a week.
  • Switch to a non-dairy alternative such as almond, coconut, rice or hemp milk. 
Note: Hemp milk (no, it does not have THC) is awesome. It contains Omega Fatty Acids, all 10 essential amino acids, 4 grams of protein, Vitamins A, E, D, B12 and many more. Check out this article about hemp milk. Benefits of Hemp Milk

When we drastically reduced our dairy (occasionally we will have high quality eggs or cheese), my husband and I experienced: 
  • Better digestion
  • Clearer skin
  • My baby and I both had eczema and it went away.
  • Feel better- more energized. 
There are lots of other ways to get Calcium: leafy green veggies, sesame seeds, calcium fortified drinks and more. Even if you continue to drink milk, please consider switching to organic, or choosing one day a week to avoid dairy. "Milk-less Mondays" 


Integrative Nutrition - Rosenthal

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