Saturday, April 28, 2012

Eating Seasonally and Gazpacho Recipe

Eating seasonally allows you to eat the freshest and tastiest foods, based on where you live. It also helps you sync up with your environment. 
Historically, people grew and ate their own foods, and needed certain nutrients and foods depending on where they lived.  Their gardens and farms provided what they needed. For example, someone living in Alaska may not do so well eating a raw food diet (cooling foods), whereas someone in Jamaica, may feel better eating more raw fruits and veggies. 

Today, we can do that with local farmers markets and growing veggies in our garden. Though we can get just about any food we want from anywhere in the world, it's good to eat locally as much as possible. 
Next time you're grocery shopping, notice where your produce comes from. Try to buy locally - or at least from the US. It will limit your options, but is an interesting experiment. 

I love soup, but  it's getting a little warm to be eating hot soup. Gazpacho is a great option - it's a cold soup and won't make you feel like an inferno when your eating it in the middle of summer. 

Check out this super easy and delish Gazpacho soup recipe from  Grow It First Blog. It's a great way to get in your veggies. 
I could eat the whole pot.

One seeded tomato, cucumber and pepper chopped
Chopped celery, carrot, onion and bunch of parsley
2 chopped garlic cloves and a bunch of arugula chopped.
1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper
Splash of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and worcestershire sauce.
Combine the ingredients together - cover and refrigerate 
*You can use any color pepper you’d like
*You don’t have to seed the tomato if you don’t want to
*Use scallions, red onion or sweet onions

*Optional: Add some sweet corn. 
*Use balsamic, red or white wine vinegar
*Refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight 

*If you don’t like an ingredient - don’t use it

My little Lilly Kate loves vegetable soup!! Kid approved recipe 

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