Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Resolutions....

Happy 2013!

Everyone is busy making resolutions for the New Year... what is yours? If you haven't made one, here are a few tips: 

1)Write it down (even if it's just a comment on this post!). Ideally, you'd post it on your bathroom mirror to remind you to stick to your goal.

2) Make it attainable. Don't set yourself up for failure. Ask yourself if it's realistic for your lifestyle and think of 2 ways to help you achieve it. 

  • For example, if your goal is to walk a mile a day, write down...
    • a)When will I walk? (who will watch the kids, or office while you're gone?)
    • b) Who can you call or what can you do to pump you up if you get discouraged? (maybe you have a cd that will get you going)

3) Share it with someone else (and have them share with you)! This will help keep you accountable and helps build friendships. 

If you get discouraged... seek support from friends, your trainer or health coach. You owe it to yourself to be happy and healthy!  

Someone once told me, "If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will." No one can  exercise for you, eat your veggies or practice stress management for you. You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself. Start doing it in 2013!

Here are a few suggestions for Resolutions: 

1) Eat one more vegetable per day. 
2) Walk 15 minutes per day and after a month, move it up to 25 minutes.
3) Practice mindfulness and deep breathing right before bed or sometime during the day. 
4) Reduce your online time by 10 min per day. 
5) Engage in meaningful, positive relationships, and rid yourself of ones that drain or hurt you. This one can be especially healing. 

For more tips or support in attaining your health goals, email us at Cheers to 2013! 

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